Accompanying Scilly schoolchildren to see WHITE HORSE on the mainland

Behind the scenes at the museum - an update

Lofty views from inside the Town Hall

Looking back on our arts highlights from 2024

View our timelapse photos of project progress

An update from Stepnell, our construction company

A New Year and new staff members joining Scilly Arts & Heritage

A Christmas update from our construction company, Stepnell

An update from our construction company, Stepnell

We’re recruiting for an Engagement Officer

You are invited to our Information day - 2nd November

Construction begins on the Cultural Centre and Museum project
Photo: MaisieKate@Traceless

An autumn programme of events for the islands

Museum Graphics and Interpretation available for feedback

What’s in a name?!

We’re recruiting for the Director of the new Cultural Centre and Museum

Become a trustee of the new Cultural Centre and Museum

Cornish theatre company brings new summer show to Scilly

How we brought an award-winning production of Moby Dick to the islands